Legal information

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This site is co-published by:

Compagnie Française des Loueurs de Skis SA (Limited company) with paid up capital of 315,000 Euros - RCS Nanterre : 401 734 892

Name of Director of Publication: Mr Patrick Lepeudry, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors.
Head Office registered at:
424 Bureaux de la Colline
92213 Saint-Cloud Cedex - France
Tel: 00 33 1 55 39 30 00
Fax: 00 33 1 55 39 30 10
E-mail: webmaster,snowrental,com
VAT intra-community identification number: FR 58401734892

and CELS, Compagnie Européenne des Loueurs de Skis SA (Limited company) with paid up capital of 100,000 Euros - RCS Nanterre : 877 610 923

Name of Director of Publication : Mr Phillipe KOIRANSKY, CEO.
Head Office registered at:
424 Bureaux de la Colline
92213 Saint-Cloud Cedex - France
Tél : 00 33 1 55 39 30 00
Fax : 00 33 1 55 39 30 10
E-Mail : netski,netski,com
VAT intra-community identification number: FR 96 877610923

and CILS, Compagnie Internationale des Loueurs de Skis SA (Limited company) with paid up capital of CHF 100,000

Name of Director of Publication: Mrs. Isabelle Bachmann, Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Head Office registered at:
Chemin de la Prairie 5 A
1007 LAUSANNE - Switzerland
Tel: 00 41 21 635 54 43
Fax: 00 41 21 635 54 44
E-mail: webmaster,snowrental,com
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Conditions of Use

Registered Trademarks

The Snowrental trademark and logo appearing on this site are trademarks of CLS - SKI COMPANY. Their reference does not in any way grant any licence or right to use the said trademarks, which may not therefore be used without the prior written consent of the owner of the trademark. Use without such consent constitutes an infringement. No right other that of visitor to the site is granted to anyone. In particular, the fact of putting this site on-line does not constitute a licence to use the trademarks listed above.

Intellectual Property

The website was designed by CLS - SKI COMPANY:

424, Bureaux de la Colline
92213 Saint-Cloud Cedex - France
Tel: +33 1 55 39 30 00
Fax: +33 1 55 39 30 10
E-mail: webmaster,snowrental,com
Site web:

In accordance with the French Intellectual Property Code, the general structure and all the elements of this website (layout, text, photographs, illustrations, logos, icons, programs, files available for download, video or sound clips, etc.) are the full and entire property of CLS - SKI COMPANY. These elements are protected by French and international copyright laws. The reproduction and/or presentation of these elements is permitted solely for information purposes for strictly personal and private use, to the exclusion of any public display or broadcasting. The presentation of one of the pages of this website in a web page not belonging to this website (framing) is particularly prohibited.

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Finally, the installation of hypertext links to any page other than the home page of the site requires the permission of CLS - SKI COMPANY. This permission may be obtained by sending a request by e-mail to the webmaster of the website (webmaster,snowrental,com).

Use of the site content in violation of the terms and conditions of this licence may constitute an infringement, punishable, under articles L335-2 and L716-9 of the French Intellectual Property Code, by three years imprisonment and a fine of 300,000 euros.

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Personal Data

This site is subject to the French data protection law of 6 January 1978; It was the subject of a declaration to the French Data Protection Commission under number: 1636239v0. Information is gathered for data processing by CLS - SKI COMPANY intended to identify you, to prepare your order and to enable you to view your file history.

In addition, this data may be used by CLS - SKI COMPANY for marketing purposes, unless specified to the contrary by you. Under the French Data Protection law of 6 January 1978 you have the right to access and rectify your personal data.

You may also, for legitimate reasons, object to your personal data being processed. If you wish to exercise your rights please advise us by sending an e-mail to: webmaster,snowrental,com or contact us by post at the following address:

424, Bureaux de la Colline
92213 Saint-Cloud Cedex - France

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Photo Credits

CLS - SKI COMPANY - Photo Credits © Nico Schlosser / Snowrental 2025 - 2026